Please Help Save Akanimo Ekanem's Life As He Battles A Rare Cancer Called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour - Gossip Inn
Please Help Save Akanimo Ekanem's Life As He Battles A Rare Cancer Called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour

Please Help Save Akanimo Ekanem's Life As He Battles A Rare Cancer Called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour

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Akanimo Ekanem, a 10-year old boy in year 8 at a private school in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria, and the first of two kids of his parents, developed abdominal pains in the last week of October. He was previously in a very good state of health.
In addition to the abdominal pains, he also reported difficulty passing stools despite the frequent urge to. An abdominal USS done 3 days after the onset of the pain revealed a mass in the pelvic region. A CT scan of the abdomen done the next day confirmed the mass which was thought to be malignant (cancerous) and also showed it caused obstruction to urinary outflow and compressed the rectum.
11 days after the onset of the pain he had a surgery to divert the stool passageway (colostomy) and some tissue from the tumour was sent for special (histopathology) tests. The bulk of the tumour was inoperable.
After the surgery he suffered a kidney failure but the doctors were able to manage this conservatively over a few days. His blood pressure rose significantly and the abdominal pain and distension worsened from intestinal obstruction. 8 days after the first surgery, he had a second surgery to relieve the cause of the intestinal obstruction.
Results from the pathology tests stated he had a rare type of cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour.
In Nigeria, there is limited experience in the management of this condition as well as its attendant complications. The decision was, therefore, made to seek further care abroad. Several hospitals were contacted especially in the United States and most of the doctors agree he needed to be treated urgently. He has started treatment at a hospital in the U.S. reputable for the treatment of this rare tumour.

Akanimo is quite ill. He currently has marked swelling of his abdomen and lower limbs from the pressure effect of the tumour on the abdominal organs and blood vessels. His blood pressure is elevated and it has been a battle controlling it. There is residual renal (kidney) dysfunction too. Due to the aggressive nature of the tumour, it divides rapidly, getting larger in size. Every passing day is critical to preserving his life and giving him the best chance at a cure of this very rare clinical condition.
We, his parents, hereby solicit your kind help in saving our son. His estimated cost of treatment at renowned paediatric oncology centres in the U.S. is about a little over 1 million dollars. It would involve several courses of chemotherapy, a major surgery and possibly radiotherapy over a 9-12 month period. There would also be treatment for complications that arise either from the primary diagnosis or from advserse effects of the treatment protocol. Please see attached a copy of his medical report.
God bless you as we anticipate your generous help. We trust God to extend His healing hands on Akanimo and make him perfectly whole again. It shall surely end in praise. Amen.
Respectfully yours,

As he fights cancer, he needs our Prayers, he needs our financial support. Let's win this fight together.
Akanimo is 10 years old who's been diagnosed of a rare type of cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour and is currently undergoing treatment at a US pediatric cancer centre, MD Anderson Cancer Center.
No amount is too small and would be greatly appreciated.

Kindly donate at

Or send to Sunday Ekanem,
GTB Acct No- 0042637881 ;
UBA Acct No- 2025889886
Sunday Ekanem
Please kindly share and keep praying for him.
Thank you and God bless.

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